What is a feature

A feature is a set of actions that will be performed by a dedicated script (and sub-scripts if needed or wanted) and exposed through one or more endpoints.

Let's say, features are a logical group of endpoints and you can have as many features as you want. Rights on features will be granted to users through roles.

What is an endpoint

An endpoint is a specific action requested by a client through a combination of a HTTP mehtod (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, ...) and an URL path.

Examples : GET /version or POST /echo or GET /addition/{op} which allows to have parameters passed within the URL

API version

When calling an endpoint, the client must also specify the version of the API. For instance : /api/v1/<myEndpoint>.

This will allow to manage several versions of your API "side-by-side", so that you can make key users test your new API (Canary testing) or easily rollback to the previous one.

Configuration file

With PowerXaaS, the web schema that describe features and endpoints is stored in a configuration file : PowerXaaS.conf. The format of the file is JSON.

You should not edit the configuration file directly. The Powershell module contains cmdlets to perform all the actions you may need :


When you create a new feature with New-PXFeature, you can specify the -createfile switch so that a script template is generated to help you start writing your API code.


Each modification regarding features/endpoints are immediate and doesn't need server restart. It will be applied to next request received but in order to avoid any troubles, you can quiesce the server.

Feature flag

the feature flag is the ability to dynamically activate or deactivate a whole feature. You can to that with Enable-PXFeature and Disable-PXFeature.